FirstService Project Management (FSPM) was hired to take over a stalled project.
Acting as the owners representative, FSPM prepared a full review of the scope of work, arranged for re-bid and reduced the initial cost.
Challenges involved a subway entrance and kiosk located on the corner of Broadway structures that needed to be worked around in regard to scheduling.
Another challenge was the commercial spaces, where tiles along the facades needed to be replaced with stones that matched the existing building materials in order to alleviate a potential water seepage issue, which could conceivably compromise the integrity of the facade structure.
The entire sidewalk was replaced on the Broadway block and a number of flags were replaced on West 94 Street.
In addition to the vault repairs, FSPMs suggestions for the vault resulted in new usable space for two new tenant storage units, adding additional income for the building.
Despite these challenges and some weather issues, the projects were completed on budget and on schedule.